Failure To Release Butterflies From The Cocoons Of The Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.), As A Factor Of Reduced Yield Through Selective Selection


  • Abdrimova Gulbahor Erimmatovna Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sericulture, Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agricultural Technologies
  • Oripov Otabek Oripovich Sericulture Research Institute, doctoral candidate
  • Eltaeva Aygerim Azat kizi Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agricultural Technologies, 2nd year student


silkworm, grena, caterpillar, cocoon


The yield of silkworm cocoons depends on many factors: genetic conditioning, compliance with agricultural rules, quality of food, storage conditions of moths and cocoons, and the number of butterflies emerging from the cocoons. The productivity and income of grain farms directly depends on the number of butterflies that emerge from cocoons and lay eggs. By selective selection aimed at increasing the percentage of healthy butterflies emerging from cocoons, it is possible to significantly reduce the loss of grain due to the failure of butterflies to emerge. Purposeful work to increase the yield of butterflies led to the creation of lines of sex-marked breeds C-5, C-10, C-13, C-14 with an approximately 2-fold improvement in butterfly emergence.







How to Cite

Failure To Release Butterflies From The Cocoons Of The Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.), As A Factor Of Reduced Yield Through Selective Selection. (2024). Periodica Journal of Modern Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities, 31, 61-69.